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Opening doors to Bach. Opening doors with Bach.

Trinity Bach Project is a vocal and instrumental ensemble dedicated to serving ordinary audiences the extraordinary musical and spiritual riches of J. S. Bach’s choral repertoire. Our mission is to remove barriers around classical choral music and open the doors of sacred places—both historic architecture and human hearts—with Bach’s abiding light.

Tax-deductible gifts to the project may be made through our umbrella organization, Imago.

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"Heaven and earth seem to meet in the music of J.S. Bach. The Trinity Bach Project performances brilliantly reveal Bach's faith in the divine and his innate understanding of the human condition. Thank you for your wonderful music."

— Tom Bell, Director of Music at Trinity College and the Cathedral Church of St. James, Toronto

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2023/24 Programs

Program one pairs jubilant affirmations by Bach—“The Spirit helps us”; “Now thank we all our God”—with heartfelt psalms of Romantic composer Josef Rheinberger, featuring Motet BWV 226 “Der Geist hilft,” Cantata BWV 192 “Nun danket alle Gott,” and portions of Bach’s Orchestral Suite no. 2 for flute.

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Program two juxtaposes Bach with the most important German early Baroque composer to precede him, Heinrich Schütz, in a program tuned to awe and contemplation, featuring Motet BWV 227 “Jesu, meine Freude,” selections from Schütz’s Musikalische Exequien, and music for unaccompanied cello.

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Program three recounts Advent and the Nativity with music of anticipation and glory, featuring Motet BWV 229 “Komm, Jesu, komm,” Bach’s Keyboard Concerto in G minor, and the magnificent Cantata BWV 191 “Gloria in excelsis Deo.”

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Three sopranos and three string players present glorious vocal solos, duets, and trios; Bach's Trio Sonata in G Major (BWV 1039); and a thrilling short mass for coloratura soprano, Handel’s rediscovered “Gloria."

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Program four brings TBP to Trinity Saint Paul’s, with a concert exploring devotion and longing from Bach to contemporary choral music. We'll showcase the accomplished soloists in our ensemble in Cantata BWV 147 “Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben.” And in Bach’s Violin Concerto in A minor (BWV 1041), we'll showcase a magnificent guest violinist, Elisa Citterio of Italy.

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Program five looks back before Bach once again, this time to the great English Renaissance composer Thomas Tallis. We strike a Lenten note “from the depths” with Cantata BWV 131 “Aus der Tiefen,” Tallis’s “Lamentations of Jeremiah,” and Motet BWV 228 Fürchte dich nicht (“Do not fear”).

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